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Japan is criticized over the so called comfort women issue in wartime by Korea. Attackers against Japan over the comfort women issue accuse that many Korean women were forced into prostitution as a form of sexual slavery by the Japanese military organization. An act of prostitution was not illegal in Japan and Asian countries. Therefore, people can’t accuse the crime of act of prostitution as such now. We should think how comfort women differ from prostitutes. The point is the Korean women were forced to come and work for Japanese soldiers or not.


Japan is criticized over the so called comfort women problem which was happened in the war. Koreans against Japan over the comfort women issue said that they, prostitutes for Japanese military, were forced into prostitution as a form of sexual slavery by the Japanese military organization. Korean-Americans built a Comfort Women statue in Glendale in California in 2013. The Comfort Women story is so sad. But criminals were not the Japanese soldiers. Bruce Cumings wrote in his book as follows: “Many Korean women were mobilized to serve (as prostitutes) by Korean men.”Many researchers and scholars have studied the issues, but what they found were very different from the Korean accusations. Please read some newspaper article which were published in wartime.
(1)Japanese police in Korea rescued about 50 women who were being mobilized as prostitutes to North China and Manchuria by a Korean human trafficking gang, published in 1939 March 28 by the Dong-a Ilbo newspaper.
(2)Japanese police arrested Korean human trafficking gang for buying and selling Korean people in a Korean village. 4 ladies were rescued. Published in 1936 May 14 by the毎日新報/毎日申報(????) newspaper.
毎日新報(1936.05.14)農村の婦人を誘引した犯人を検挙 女性を満州に娼妓として売却しようとしていたところを日本の警察が検挙 女性を救出する 4人の女性が魔の手を脱する
(3)Japanese police in Korea saved more than 100 Korean women who were kidnapped by brokers of a big Korean human trafficking group, published in 1939 August 31 by the Dong-a Ilbo newspaper.
東亜日報(1939.8.31)悪徳紹介業者の横暴 誘拐した農村女子の数は100人以上全員、日本の警察が救出
(4)According to the毎日新報/毎日申報(????) newspaper, published in 1936 July 9, Japanese police rescued many women who were forced into prostitutions by Korean.
毎日新報(1936.07.09)娘を誘引し、売春を強制した行商魔女の罪状 純真な女性を誘引し、中国人に売春を強要 日本の警察が検挙し、被害女性たちを救出
(5)2000 Korean women work as prostitutions at Shanghai China. This fact defames Korea. However, we can’t take any action because they sell bodies willingly for the cause of economic reasons. Published in 1939 August 31 by the Dong-a Ilbo newspaper.
東亜日報(1935.03.07)中国上海暗黒街に朝鮮人女性が約2000人これら、遠征売春婦のために朝鮮人の威厳が損なわれる しかし、これに対策を打つことはできない なぜなら、経済的な問題で自発的に労働しているから
(6)Japanese police arrested a top official of Korean human trafficking group. The group kidnaps young women and sells to brothels. Published in 1933 July 1 by the Dong-a Ilbo newspaper.
東亜日報(1933.07.01)少女誘拐団のトップを逮捕 主に幼い少女たちを誘い出し、売春宿に売り飛ばしていた
(7)Japanese police in Korea rescued Korean women who are being mobilized to brothels by Korean human trafficking gangs, published in 1936 February 14 by the 毎日新報/毎日申報(????) newspaper.
(8)A Japanese woman was rescued in Korea by Japanese police. Korean human trafficking group, which is called a Virgin Trade, tried to sell the women to China. Published in 1939 August 5 by the Dong-a Ilbo newspaper.
東亜日報(1939.08.05)処女貿易の誘引魔 日本人女性を誘引し、中国に売り飛ばそうとしているところを日本の警察が検挙
(9)According to the 毎日新報/毎日申報(????) newspaper in 1939 March 28, Korean human trafficking group was nabbed by Japanese police. The group sold about 100 women.
毎日新報(1939 03 28)農村処女を誘引し、100人余りを売り飛ばす朝鮮人拉致団 これを日本の警察が検挙し、女性たちを救出


When did Korean ex-comfort women start demanding compensation? In 1977, a Japanese man named Seiji Yoshida wrote a book about Korean comfort women, who were kidnapped by Japanese on Jeju-Island in Korea. He claimed he was one of the kidnappers. In 1989, his book was translated into Hangeul, Korean language, and then the story was disseminated in South Korea. After the publication of the controversial book in South Korea, 許栄善, a Jeju-Island- based Korean news reporter, conducted interviews with many local people there, but she couldn’t get any clear statement of the fact that those kind of kidnapping had been carried out. One old Korean lady said, “There are only 250 houses here, many Korean young ladies were kidnapped? I haven’t heard such a story.” Also in 1989, 金奉玉, who is a Korea historian, said, “I have researched if the Yoshida’s story is true or not for long time, and I made sure the story was false, not true. I think being quite business-minded, Yoshida wrote this false story in his book.” Korean accusation about comfort women issue started from a Japanese lie. Unfortunately, his story has already walked around by itself with Asahi newspaper since 1983. Many Korean ladies started voicing suddenly. Can you believe what Comfort Women say?


Bruce Cumings wrote in his book as follows:“Many Korean women were mobilized to serve (as prostitutes) by Korean men. Also, many Korean newspapers wrote the kidnapping were happened in Korea in war time, and the kidnappers were Korean men. The Korean comfort women were cheated by Korean men who said they are the Japanese. Some facts say ladies were sold by their parents to brothels owners secretly. Many women were not willing to be prostitutes I think. These stories were so sad. However, in Japanese history many women were sold by their parents, they were farmers, because of cold-weather damage in rural areas in Japan. I understand how they felt. Therefore, I felt pity for these women. However, the sad story was related to Japan? I don't think so.
ブルースカミング氏も、「大勢の韓国人女性が韓国人男性によって慰安婦として動員された。」と書き、また韓国の新聞も拉致は頻繁に起き、その犯罪者は韓国人男性だったと記されている。慰安婦達は韓国人男性に『自分たちは日本人だ』と言われ、騙されて集められたのだ。いくつかの事実によると そんな女性たちの両親によって、秘密裏に売春宿の経営者に身売りをされた女性もいたし、自分から進んでと言う方は少なかっただろう。本当に不幸で可愛そうだと思うが、その不幸というのは当時の日本でもあったことだ。例えば東北地方が冷害になったならば、多くの農村の女性が親によって売春宿の経営者に売り飛ばされた。可哀想な話だがこれは事実です。しかしながらこのかわいそうな話は日本とは全く関係がない。


Many Korean women who were comfort women are telling lies? Actually, some ladies were sold by their parents to brothels owners secretly. Therefore, Parents received much money from brothels owners, and daughters didn't know the facts. They were forced to work as a prostitues, but they could not get any money from them. Furthermore, one of comfort women who has asserted to be kidnapped by Japan, she blurted “I was kidnapped by someone during Korean war”. Another lady also says I was forced to ride a jeep in Korea by Japanese soldiers, but Japan didn’t have any jeeps in Korean Peninsula. Moreover, a Korean former comfort woman claims that I was very busy for Christmas seasons. I can’t believe their accusation because Japanese people didn’t have any events in Christmas at that time. Korean comfort women must have been bust for the U.S soldiers during Korean War.
多くの慰安婦女性は嘘を言っているのだろうか?事実 ある女性たちは親によって秘密裏に売春宿に売られ、賃金は親がすでに受け取っていた事例もある。そのことを知らなかった彼女たちは奉仕を強要されたが、お金を受け取ることはなかった。この他の事例では、とある日本軍に拉致されたという女性の話では、「朝鮮戦争の時に〜」と口を滑らせてしまった。別の女性は韓国で無理やり日本軍のジープに載せられたと話したが、当時日本はジープなど半島で使用してはいなかった。またとある女性はクリスマスの時期は特に忙しかったと話したが、当時の日本ではクリスマスを祝う習慣はなかった。 これらの韓国人女性は朝鮮戦争時にアメリカ軍に奉仕したことと勘違いしている。


After the Pacific War ended, Japan tried to have a meeting with Korea. Afterward, the difference of opinions between Korea and Japan was solved in 1965; Japan-Korea Peace Treaty. Under the treaty, Japan provided $800 million as economic aid to South Korea. With the treaty, individuals lost the right to demand compensation for events that happened on or before Aug. 15, 1945. Tell the truth, Seoul hasn’t disclosed the Japan-Korea Peace Treaty contents to people until recently. Seoul received a large amount of money from Tokyo, which was meant to be for any war victims. But they used up the money for building up the infrastructure instead of for the victims. Seoul really wanted to put down the complaints peacefully because they were afraid of being accused from Korean people about the money. Therefore, Korean government incited and repeated Anti-Japan movement of comfort women issue to Koreans intentionally. President Park has repeatedly mentioned the issue here and there. In short, Korean people who have accused Japan should say sorry and pay compensation were cheated by their government indeed.

Mr. Michael Yon-1

How can people believe what Korean appeal? I want to show you the United States report here. "There are growing, unsubstantiated questions about whether the Japanese Imperial Army kidnapped 200,000 sex-slaves (Comfort Women) in World War II. Mostly from Korea. You know the United States used $30 million dollars to search for evidence on Comfort Women allegations in 2010. However, seven years later, they found a grand total of nothing. The final IWG report which is related to the Comfort Women study to Congress was issued in 2007.
韓国の主張を銅やったら認められようか?アメリカでのレポートを紹介しよう。第二次世界大戦中、大日本帝国陸軍が20万人もの韓国人女性を強制連行して、性奴隷(慰安婦)にしたという疑惑について、裏付けの取れない主張が現在も拡大し続けている。それらは主に韓国からの主張である。 慰安婦たちの主張を裏付ける証拠を求めて、米政府は3000万ドル(30億円超)の費用を掛けて調査を行った。約7年の歳月を掛けて、大勢の米政府職員や歴史学者が過去の公文書を徹底的に調査した結果、有力な証拠は何一つ見つからなかった。結局3000万ドルが無駄に費やされたのだ。Michael Yon 訳:ケント・ギルバート November 28, 2014

Mr. Michael Yon-2

Japan-Korea: Were Korean Men Cowards during World War II? A vexing question There are growing, unsubstantiated questions about whether the Japanese Imperial Army kidnapped 200,000 sex-slaves (Comfort Women) in World War II. Mostly from Korea. A $30 million US Government Study specifically searched for evidence on Comfort Women allegations. After nearly seven years with many dozens of staff pouring through US archives -- and 30 million dollars down the drain -- we found a grand total of nothing. The final IWG report to Congress was issued in 2007. (URL below.) Nobody should be writing about Comfort Women issues without reading this report cover to cover.Many of the unsubstantiated claims are coming from Korea. Korean allegations have led to unexpected twists. At the time, Korea was actually part of Japan -- roughly in the way that Puerto Rico is part of the USA. Many Koreans were members of the Japanese military. So any allegations that the Japanese military kidnapped 200,000 women implies that Koreans were involved in kidnapping Koreans. This is an uncomfortable reality. It gets even more uncomfortable. So today, South Korean President Park Geun-hye constantly accuses Japan of kidnapping these shiploads of women. Imagine how this boomerangs back. President Park is saying that Japan -- and her daddy was an officer in the Japanese Army at the time -- kidnapped uncounted tens of thousands of women from Korea as sex-slaves. Yet there is no evidence that Korean men fought back. During the war, Korea had a population of about 23 million. Today, Texas has a population of about 26 million. Imagine trying to kidnap 200,000 Texas women. There would be a bloodbath. The Army would lose thousands of soldiers, and thousands of civilians no doubt would have been slaughtered in return. Evidence would be everywhere. Photos. Films. Battle sites. Texans would never allow 200,000 women to be stolen and raped without making a river of blood. So President Park is essentially saying Korean men during World War II were a bunch of cowards.Also imagine this from the perspective of a Japanese military General or Admiral. He is at war with the USA, Australia, Britain, China, and more. His hands are full. The USA in particular is on the march with our Navy and Marines, and we are smashing Japan anywhere we can find Japanese.All generals always want more troops and supplies. That is a fact of life. Just ask any General. Ask any business leader what he or she needs to expand or defend against competition: They always want more resources. What kind of fool General would dedicate the resources to kidnap, guard, transport, and feed 200,000 women, knowing that he is creating yet another war to fight?The Japanese were highly advanced military thinkers. They made their own submarines, airplanes, and aircraft carriers. These were serious people, and super smart. There is no way that Generals would dedicate those resources to kidnapping women when the US military and allies were marching down their throats. They had a war to fight -- this was not Spring Break. Any serious military or business person can see the folly in common sense of kidnapping 200,000 women. It does not make sense, and would have created a new war in Korea -- which was a base for Japanese recruitment. Koreans were fighting Americans. Koreans were our enemy.And back to Korean men. It would be horrific to see the US Army try to kidnap 200,000 Texas women -- especially so considering that many US military members are Texans, just as many Koreans were Japanese Soldiers.  Texas would rise up and start smashing the Army. Bridges would blow up. Soldiers would be shot every day. Bases would burn. The Army would fight back and there would be total war. So are we to believe that Korean men are such cowards that nobody lifted a hand to defend their women? Because if they allowed these many women to be kidnapped, they are cowards, and their sons today had cowards for fathers. The reality is that we know that Koreans are no cowards. Koreans are a courageous people. So what really happened? It is clear from source documents, and the common sense that every water buffalo possesses, that there was no mass kidnapping. It's all a lie, and no matter how much someone hates Japan, it will always be a lie. Please read the IWG report that practically nobody seems to know exists. If you do not have time for the whole report, do a search inside the report for Comfort Women, and carefully read those parts:
日韓問題: 第二次世界大戦中、韓国人男性が臆病者だったとでも言うつもりか? なかなか晴れない疑問第二次世界大戦中、大日本帝国陸軍が20万人もの韓国人女性を強制連行して、性奴隷(慰安婦)にしたという疑惑について、裏付けの取れない主張が現在も拡大し続けている。それらは主に韓国からの主張である。  慰安婦たちの主張を裏付ける証拠を求めて、米政府は3000万ドル(30億円超)の費用を掛けて調査を行った。  約7年の歳月を掛けて、大勢の米政府職員や歴史学者が過去の公文書を徹底的に調査した結果、有力な証拠は何一つ見つからなかった。結局3000万ドルが無駄に費やされた。IWGの最終報告書は2007年に米国議会に提出され、発表された(文末のリンク参照)。誰も、この報告書を最初から最後まで読むことなく、慰安婦問題について書いたり語ったりする資格を持っていない。数多くの裏付けを取れない主張が韓国から次々と出されている。しかし韓国人の主張は、裏目に出てしまうことがある。  その当時の韓国(朝鮮半島)は実際のところ日本の一部だった。プエルトリコが米国の一部であるようなものだ。 日本軍には韓国人の兵士がたくさんいた。だから日本軍が20万人の女性を強制連行したのであれば、韓国人兵士が韓国人女性の強制連行に加担していたことになる。これはやっかいな現実である。しかし、もっとややこしくなる。 現在、韓国の大統領である朴槿惠は、日本が大勢の韓国人女性を強制連行したと何度もしつこく責め立てている。この主張がブーメランのように戻ってくる様子を想像してみよう。朴大統領は日本が数十万人の韓国女性を、性奴隷にするために強制連行したと言うが、彼女の父親はその当時、日本軍の陸軍将校だったのだ。しかも韓国人男性が日本軍の行為に反抗して戦ったという証拠は何も残っていない。戦争中、韓国の人口は約2,300万人だった。そして現在、テキサス州の人口は約2,600万人である。  テキサス州の女性を20万人強制連行しようとしたら何が起きるだろうか。きっと辺りは血の海に染まるだろう。その目的に動員された軍隊は何千人もの兵士を失うし、その報復として何千人もの市民が軍隊に虐殺されることは間違いない。 その場所には証拠がいくらでも残るだろう。写真、動画、戦闘の痕跡など。テキサスで20万人の女性を奪ってレイプしようとしたら、辺りは間違いなく血の海になる(しかし韓国にはそのような痕跡が無い)。つまり朴大統領の話は必然的に、第二次世界大戦中の韓国人男性は、臆病者の集団だったと言っていることになってしまうのだ。この件について日本軍の将軍や提督の立場からも考えてみよう。日本は米国、オーストラリア、イギリス、中国、さらに連合国とも戦争している最中である。どう考えても手いっぱいのはずだ。特に米国は海軍と海兵隊が進軍し、日本兵を見つけ次第どこであろうと攻撃していたのである。軍隊の全ての指揮官は、常により多くの兵力と補給を求めるものだ。それが世の中の常である。誰か将軍に聞いてみるといい。もしくは企業の経営者に聞いてみるといい。競争相手に勝ちたい時、あるいは防御したい時には何が必要かと。彼らは常により多くの経営資源(=人、物、金)を欲しがるはずである。 20万人の女性を強制連行して、彼女たちを監視し、移動させ、食べさせる目的に経営資源を費やす将軍がいるとすれば、どんな種類の馬鹿なんだろうか。わざわざもう一つの戦争を作っているようなものだと気付くはずだと思うが?日本人は軍事戦略を立てることに長けていた。日本人は独自に潜水艦や航空機、空母まで製造していたのだ。真面目かつ非常に賢明な民族でなければ出来ないことだ。米軍と連合軍の攻撃がのど元まで迫ってきているのに、日本軍の将軍たちが貴重な資源を女性の強制連行に費やすはずが無い。彼らは戦争の真っ最中だった。春休み中だったわけではない。真面目な軍人やビジネスマンであれば、20万人の女性を強制連行することの愚かさが常識として分かるだろう。全く馬鹿げているし、そんなことをしたら朝鮮半島内で新しい戦争を生み出してしまう。朝鮮半島(韓国)は日本の陣地である。そして韓国人は米国人を相手に戦争をしていたのだ。韓国人は我々(米国人)の敵だったのである。韓国人男性の話に戻ろう。米陸軍が20万人のテキサス女性を強制連行しようとすれば、惨劇になるだろう。特に、軍人の中に多くのテキサス男が含まれていたとしたらどうなるだろうか。多くの韓国人男性が日本兵に含まれていたのと同じように。 テキサス男は立ち上がり、米陸軍を攻撃するだろう。橋は爆破される。兵士たちは毎日射殺される。基地は燃やされる。陸軍側も報復して全面戦争になるはずだ。 ということは、韓国人男性は韓国人女性を守ろうとこぶしを振り上げる人間が一人もいないほど臆病者なのだと我々は信じればいいのか? 数多くの女性が強制連行されるのを黙って許したのであれば、確かに韓国人男性は臆病者であり、その息子である現代の韓国人男性は、臆病者の父親を持っていることになる。現実は私たちも良く知っているように、韓国人は臆病者などではない。韓国人はとても勇敢な民族だ。そうすると、実際には何が起きたのか? 資料を見ても、サルでも分かる常識で考えても、大規模な強制連行が行われた事実は無かったということだ。全部が嘘だったのだ。誰かがどれだけ日本を憎んでいようとも関係が無い。嘘は嘘であることに変わりはない。 今までほとんど誰も存在すら知らなかったIWGの報告書を読んで欲しい。もし全部を読む時間が無いようなら、報告書の中で慰安婦(Comfort Women)を検索して、その部分だけでも注意深く読んで欲しい。
Michael Yon 訳:ケント・ギルバート November 28, 2014

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