Koreans sometimes have accused Japan occupied Korea by force. Also some koreans who have had hardly any formal schooling say Japan invaded Korea during the war. However, their complaints about war issues are related to Japan were completely wrong.

Many Koreans have accused Japan of receiving much terrible treatment to Korean people by an old Japanese government during the war. Of course there are few war experienced people. Many Koreans who have claimed have not had any experience of the Pacific War. In other words they have only learned war history of modern Korea which started the year of 1900. However, their complaints about war issues are related to Japan were wrong. They claimed that Japan dominated Korean people during the war, and so on. However, these stories have no conclusive evidence. Are their criticisms true? If they want to get right information about the war history between Japan and Korea, they can get many facts from internet or books these days. Nevertheless, they have been maintaining and attacking Japan’s old acts in Korea since the World War II finished. This is very strange.In fact their stories are wrong for three reasons. I want to give you the three facts about history between Korea and Japan.First of all I would like to explain about the Japan-Korea Annexation. The Iljinhoe (一進会) was a nation-wide pro-Japan organization in Korea. The party thought that Korea could not develop capitalism on its own, and demanded a merger with the Japanese Empire. Meanwhile, Japan needed to defend itself from Western countries such as Soviet, so the newly modernized Meiji government of Japan turned to Korea because various Western countries actively competed for influence, trade, goods, and territory in East Asia in the late 19th and early 20th century. On 22 August 1910, Japan effectively annexed Korea with the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty signed by Lee Wan-Yong, Prime Minister of Korea. However, Korean people said Japan occupied Korea forcedly. Secondly, Korea has claimed that they suffered by old Japanese government, but Japan established the infrastructure actually. In fact Korea was a very poor country in the early of the 19th century; so many foreigners said Korea was entirely unsanitary. The Japanese government created transportation infrastructure and official buildings such as schools, hospitals and post offices, and so on. Koreans extended their lives span in deed. However, Koreans have not learned the fact in schools under the political reasons. Finally, I want to show you the data of participation of military and some facts after the war finished. Japan and Korea started only a volunteer military system in 1938.

Korean military participation
★1939 Applicants 12,348 Accepted 613
★1940 Applicants 84,443 Accepted 3,060
★1941 Applicants 144,743 Accepted 3,208
★1942 Applicants 254,273 Accepted 4,077
★1943 Applicants 303,294 Accepted 6,300
洪思翊, Hong Sa Ik, he was Korean, who was Lieutenant General of Japanese Imperial Army. 朴春琴, Park Chun-geum was a member of House of Representatives in Tokyo. A seat in the House of Representatives was an elective post. He was elected twice from his district in Tokyo. Many Korean men joined the Japanese Imperial Army, and some Korean experts supported their countries because Korea was the same country as Japan, but they did not pay any postwar reparations to Asian countries. Not only this, Korea received Japan’s oversea assets which were in Korea and 8 hundred million dollars as war reparations from Japan in 1965. In conclusion, Koreans accusations are completely incorrect for these reasons. Therefore what they say is an absurd story.
戦争中に韓国民族は、日本によってひどい取り扱いを受けたと叫んでいるものが多い。もちろん、戦争経験を持つ人たちは今ではわずかであり、批判をしている韓国人の多くは、全く太平洋戦争を知らないものばかりである。裏を返せば、1900年ごろから始まった近代韓国史をただ学校で学んだだけの人たちである。しかしながら彼らは、日本との間の歴史を間違って教えられてきているものが多い。彼らは戦争中、日本によって支配され苦しめられたなどと話しているが、そのような事実は全くない。彼らの主張は果たして正しいのだろうか? 日韓の間に起きた正しい戦争歴史事実を得ようと思えば、近年インターネットや本などからいくらでもそれを知ることができるはずだ。それにもかかわらず、第二次世界大戦終結以降から、韓国人は日本を責めまくっている。全く不思議でならない。それらのクレームは、次の3つの理由で全く間違っていると断言できる。3つの真実をここに上げよう。まず、最初に述べるのは日韓併合についてである。一進会とは、韓国の中枢を担っていた親日な政党だった。彼らは韓国の近代化には日本帝国の力が必要だと考え、それを実現しようと頑張っていた。一方で日本は欧米列強、特にソビエトから日本を守るために、韓国に歩み寄っていた。19世紀から20世紀にかけては貿易や資産など、アジアの植民地で欧米諸国が猛威を振舞っていたからだ。1910年8月22日に韓国政府と正式に取り交わされたのが、日韓併合だったのだ。しかし韓国人はそれを力づくで、日本は韓国を侵略したと叫んでいる。2番目に、韓国は当時の日本政府によって苦しめられたと主張しているが、実際は日本政府によってインフラの建設、整備をされている。事実多くの外国人が述べているように、19世紀初頭の韓国は、たいへん不潔で貧しい国だった。日本政府は交通網の整備や学校、病院、郵便局などを次々に建設し、そのため韓国人の寿命は一気に延びたのである。ところが韓国人はこれを一切、政治的な理由で教えられてないのである。最後に韓国人男性の軍志願状況と、戦後の状況を見せたい。日本と韓国政府は1938年から志願制で募集を行った。この数値がその時のデータである。
1939年には12,348人が志願し、そのうちの613人が軍に入った。1940年には84,443人中3,060人、1941年には144,743人が希望し、 3,208人が認められた。1942年には254,273 人が希望し、4,077が認められた。1943年には 303,294人が希望し、6,300人が軍に入った。
韓国人Hong Sa Ik氏は、帝国陸軍のルーテナントジェネラルだったし、Park Chun-geum氏は東京から出馬した代議士だった。彼は2回も当選している。本当にたくさんの韓国人が日本軍に入っていたし、韓国知識人もこの二つの国を支えてきた。なぜなら両国は同じ国だったからだ。しかし韓国は戦後の賠償金を一切アジアの諸国に払っていない。そればかりではない。韓国は、日本が終戦時の残した資産をまるごと貰い受け、おまけに1965年には8億ドルもの戦後補償金をもらっているのである。これらの事実を知れば、韓国人が日本を非難する行為がどれほど不可思議なことかわかるだろう。彼らの主張は荒唐無稽、の一言に尽きるのである。
What speechless with surprise is South Korean say when they look at the Rising Sun flag, they felt unhappy because the flag was associated to Japanese cruel acts! During the war, Japan and Korea were the same nation. The Iljinhoe (一進会) was a nation-wide pro-Japan organization in Korea. The party thought that Korea could not develop capitalism on its own, and demanded a merger with the Japanese Empire. On 22 August 1910, Japan effectively annexed Korea with the Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty signed by Lee Wan-Yong, Prime Minister of Korea. Therefore, many Korean men willingly joined to the Japanese army and fought against westerners. Definitely, what Japan did was the same as Korea did. What speechless with surprise is South Korean say when they look at the Rising Sun flag, they felt unhappy because the flag was associated to Japanese cruel acts! This is ridiculous.
Japan and Korea annexed in 1910 because the Iljinhoe (一進会) was a nation-wide pro-Japan organization in Korea, and it demanded a merger with the Japanese Empire for the reason of developing of Korea. However, Korean people say that Japan forced Korea to sigh in the contract and colonize the country. Definitely, the story was imagined by Korean people for justify their wrong history. I want to ask them which official documents can be verified it? Also I want to say contract is contract. Japan has bad experience signed a Treaty of Amity and Commerce with the U.S in 1858. People knew the treaty was not equal footing. The U.S made much profit, but Japan didn’t complain about it because the contract was contract. Japanese people think that was definitely Japanese decision. Have you ever heard Japan has been complaining about it? Japan is a mature country, but South Korea is a childish country.
1910年に日本と朝鮮は併合した。当時朝鮮の中枢を担っていた一進会という政党が、朝鮮の近代化には日本帝国の力が必要だと考え、日本との併合が実現したのだ。しかし現在韓国人はこれを日本によって無理やり調印させられたと言っている。その話は全くをもって韓国人の想像上の話だ。それでは聞きたいのだが、無理やり調印させられたという根拠になる公の文書はあるのかね?条約はあくまでも条約だ。日本でも、1858年に日米修好通商条約 をアメリカとの間に無理やり結ばされた経験がある。日本人はこれが不平等条約だということも知っていたし、それによってアメリカは多額の利益を得た。でも日本は決してそれについて文句は言わない。なぜなら条約は条約だからだ。日本人からその条約に対して不平を言っているのを聞いたことがあるかね?日本は韓国と違って大人の対応ができる国なのだ。
South Korea was a victim country? Korea was annexed to Japan peacefully in 1910. Japan did not invade Korea. Therefore, many Japanese and Korean people fought against Western Countries and China during the war. After Japan was defeated in the war, suddenly Korea changed their attitude. Max von Schuler said, "During the war, the Korean people were Japanese citizens, and were willing and able participants in the Japanese Empire. It is after the war that they decided that they were victims, and switched roles." That's quite right. South Korea fabricated their history, and they have appealed South Korea was invaded by Japan, and it was a victim country. Even the President of South Korea also says Japan has to admit its crimes and say sorry to Korea. It’s ridiculous. What Japan did is the same as Korea did. Has Korea said sorry to Asians?

Nowadays An Chung-gun(安重根), a Korean guy, is called a hero who killed a Japanese governor Ito Hirofumi by Korean people. Accordiong to the Che Keiho(崔基鎬), after Japan and Korea annexed in 1910, Hirofumi Ito, he was a top of Japanese Resident-General of Korea, contrived to rise big money somehow from Japan, and he used the money for Korea. Also he appointed many Korean governors to the top of central and provinces political sections. Contrary, many Japanese people were installed such Korean governors’ support. Moreover, one of the hard jobs such as development in some wilderness lands in Korea was charged by the Japanese. Che Keiho says that if An Chung-gun, he killed Hirofumi Ito, knew the right fact, he would not kill him and history would be changed. Has Korea taught right history to school kids? Definitely Korean people have studied wrong history. That’s why they accuse Japan with inconsistent history. This is a fault of Korean government, but it not Koreans wrong. An Chung-gun was a hero? I don't think so. Ito Hirofumi was a criminal? It's an absurd story.