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Chinese government claims the Japanese army committed numerous atrocities such as rape, looting, arson and the execution of prisoners of war and civilians during the occupation of Nanking.
The so-called 'Nanking Massacre' is the case wherein 300,000 people of Nanking city and the captives have been alleged to have been murdered during the six weeks' occupation period under the Japanese Army, from December 13 immediately after the fall of Nanking city through the beginning of February of 1938.
China has no right to accuse Japan of crimes such as the Nanking Massacre because the massacre was made up story using fabricated evidence. Obviously what China says is pure fiction! Demonstration of this story by the Chinese government is libel and slander. It is natural that Japanese raising an objection.



According to the testimonies in The International Military Tribunal for the Far East (IMTFE), Chinese government could not prove the murder of 340,000. Therefore, the Chinese government was absorbed in collecting proofs even during the IMTFE. In other words, the Chinese government had already fixed the number of casualties into more than 300,000 before they began to collect the evidence.

According to Summary report on the Investigation of Japanese war crimes committed in Nanking, prepared by the Procurator of the District Court in Nanking, to prepare for the IMTFE, the KMT set up the Nanking Investigation Committee for Antagonists Crime on November 7, 1945, and appealed to the Chinese public to report Japanese Army's crimes. It was reported, however, that few responded to the crimes committed by Japanese Army and some refused to testify or to deny the massacre occurred when they were asked for details. Then, the KMT reluctantly submitted the tentative report to the IMTFE on January 20, 1946. Except for one testimony made by a man named Lu Su, no other evidence of massacre by the Japanese Army was available, besides burial records.
東京裁判における南京大虐殺関連のレポートを読んでみると、おもしろいことが解ってくる。1945年11月、中国側は東京裁判に向けて日本人の蛮行証拠を集めるなどの準備をやり始めた。しかし、当初それらの証拠は集まらないばかりか、虐殺行為を否定するものまでいたそうだ。その後何とかして集めたのはLu Suという中国人のみの証言であったのだ。



Minnie Vautrin, a professor at the college, wrote 100 girls were raped by Japanese soldiers in her diary on Dec 16, 1937. Also, John Rabe, the leader of the Nanking Safety Zone, wrote in 17th that 1,000 women and girls are said to have been raped last night. James McCallum, a medical doctor in Nanking, wrote about rape crimes in his diary in 19th. However, these cases of rape were what these Westerners heard about from Chinese people. About two weeks later, as mentioned in the New York Times on January 4, 1938, Vautrin and other Ginling College professors got to know that the Chinese officers harbored by them had repeatedly raped in the Nanking Safety Zone and then blamed Japanese soldiers for their attacks. The New York Times reported, “(the) American professors…were seriously embarrassed to discover (it).” So would Rabe and McCallum have been. In February, as the Osaka Asahi Shinbun reported, the Japanese military arrested eleven hiding Chinese soldiers who had committed numerous atrocities in Nanking, speaking Japanese and wearing counterfeit of Japanese translator's armband to pose as Japanese. After they were caught, conspicuous cases of rape, looting and other atrocities did not take place. The Chinese have accused Japan about the rape crimes during the war. However, these crimes were definitely caused by the Chinese.


Tadao Takemoto and Yasuo Ohara point out about the alleged atrocities in Nanking: "The representatives of the refugee camps of nineteen places established in the Safety Zone were all the Chinese, except Miss Minnie Vautrin. Though those Chinese took charge of the maintenance of public order in these camps, there were some Chinese officers who camouflaged themselves as if they were citizens. And many cases of rape occurred in the refugee camps. After February 1938 when the camps were dissolved, rape was rare. Therefore, we are not able to trust the crimes of Japanese soldiers just as the Chinese representatives of the refugee camps claimed. The Chinese soldiers hiding in the Safety Zone camouflaged themselves to create the impression that looting and rapes had been committed by Japanese soldiers, to practice one of a series of Chinese strategies for the purpose of throwing Japanese soldiers into confusion."

The number of the 'cases of rape' Chinese claim is from 20,000 to 80,000 cases. Suppose Japanese took this number, there should have been from 500 to 2,000 cases of rapes occurred daily. This number is absolutely not trustworthy.

Here is a data of The Rape of Berlin, which was happened in the summer of 1945, Soviet soldiers caught many German women for raping, and massacred so many German civilians. The pregnancy rate of The Rape of Berlin was 23%. And then Chinese government has been accusing 20,000 to 80,000 of Chinese women were raped by Japanese soldiers. As far as I could work it out, at least 4,600 to 18,400 Chinese women should have become pregnant after a set period of time. Furthermore, the big baby boom should have taken place in Nanking 10 months after the fall of Nanking. Have you heard 4.600 of Japanese and Chinese mixed parentage babies were born in China?


In addition, we have received a counterargument about the 23% of pregnancy rate from Chinese people. They said Japanese soldiers must have killed Chinese ladies after the Japanese raped women, so there were no babies. However, the statistics which were presented by Chinese government show where the corpses were found and buried. Only about 2,800 corpses are found inside Nanking castle, and the rest are recovered outside, which were almost 40,000. There are few corpses of women and children.
付け加えて、私は時々このコメントの後にこんな反論を受ける。日本軍は強姦した後に彼女たちを殺したから温血の子供はいないと。しかしながら中国が提出した死体の数と埋葬記録がここにある。この資料によると、2800人が南京城内で見つかり、城外では4万人だった。そこには女性と子供の死体はほとんど皆無だった、と書かれている。(Rach: 付け加えて(In addition)の部分は都合により外してもらってもかまいません。その時にはWeと大文字に直してください。)


Chinese government has claimed that the total number of rape survivors is at least 20,000 to 80,000. You gave us a new story which means Japanese soldiers used condoms for raping these women. Please give me your source about the fact. The great historians always distinguish between opinion and fact in their announcements. Which source was written about the condom story Japanese soldiers brought at least 80,000 condoms?


A photo has displayed at the Nanking Massacre Museum. The caption said, "The Japanese rounded up thousands of women. Most of them were gang raped or forced into military prostitution. But this photo appeared in the Asahi Graph, a weekly photo journal, published in Japan on Nov 10, 1937, about one month before Nanking battle. The explanation says, "A group of women and children from the Rising Sun Village returning from the fields, guarded by our soldiers." Why China tells lies?



The Chinese are always claiming Japanese soldiers mass-plundered the city while the Japanese were staying the Nanking city. In fact, how bad was the damage? American Embassy reported the residence of was one of the targets of looting, they sent a telegram to Washington on January 8. The record was written by the Safety Zone Committee endorsed this report, and it detailed the damage due to looting committed by Japanese soldiers from December 12 through 18. They said a massive looting was supposed to have occurred by the Japanese as follows: Five automobiles, six bicycles, several motorbikes, two cows, one pig, several ponies, three sacks of rice, 500 futon mats, two gloves, a bottle of milk, a handful of sugar, one pan, one trash box, six fountain pens, a half can of kerosene, and a few candles. From this list, would anyone be able to say that a large scale looting had taken place?

Looting committed by the Chinese who came into the Safety Zone was misunderstood as the acts of Japanese. Guo Qi, commander of one of Chinese battalions wrote about the reality of looting by the Chinese refugees: Refugees hid themselves during the day and moved around during the night. The night was the good opportunities for refugees to take actions, since J-soldiers became inactive and only the Japanese guards were posted to watch over the area where they slept. The refugees went outside their area and ransacked large firms, shops, and houses of whatever they wanted. In those days, food was in store in food companies, daily provisions in consumer goods companies, and silk products in silk textile wholesales. One day's work, therefore, enabled them to get everything, and anything they want became available and at their disposal. Rabe also wrote in his diary on January 2 about how busy the 'stolen goods market' was in the Safety Zone. All the Chinese refugees in the Safety Zone were 'poor and needy.' It was doubtful why they could obtain these goods in Nanking where any commercial circulation was suspended. As Guo Qi testified, those commercial goods were stolen goods. Chinese government might have pinned their crimes on Japanese soldiers.
安全区に避難した中国人たちによる掠奪を、日本軍兵士の犯罪と誤認した可能性もある。陥落後、中国軍大隊長の郭岐は、難民による掠奪の実態を次のように記している。「一般に生計が苦しく度胸がある難民たちは、昼は隠れて夜活動していた。夜の間は、日本兵は難民区の内外を問わず活動する勇気がなく、兵隊の居住する地区を守る衛兵がいるだけだった。人々は難民区外の大企業、大店舗、大きな邸宅を好きなだけ物色した。当時、食品会社には食べ物が、妙機会社には日用品が、絹織物問屋には絹織物があった。だから一晩働くと翌日には手に入らない物はなく、色々なものがすべて揃った。こうして生まれた安全区の"盗品市"が実に盛況を誇っていたことを、ラーベも1月2日の日記に記している。安全区の中国人たちは"貧民"ばかりであった。その貧民たちがどうやって流通の途絶えた南京で商品を仕入れることができたのか。郭岐の証言するように商品は"盗品"だったのである。 それ故にこれらの行動を全部日本軍のせいにしたことも考えられるのだ。

南京大虐殺 中国プロパガンダ作戦


Harold Timperley "What War Means"

One of the foundations of the massacre myth is based on the book which is called "What War Means", edited by Harold Timperley. But he was an advisor to the Chinese Nationalist government’s Ministry of Information. The section was propaganda section which was established by KMT (Kuomintang, Chiang Kai-shek) in China during the War. Timperley was paid by the propaganda section for writing the book.

Timperley was paid by the Ministry of Information in China for writing the book "What War Means". The book was written about the Japanese atrocity. Zeng Xubai, then chief of the international propaganda division, said in his autobiography (vol. I, p. 201) that the central propaganda bureau funded the publication of Timperly’s What War Means and Lewis S. C. Smythe’s War Damages in the Nanking Area. Both of these books must have Chinese propaganda books.
ティンパーリは中国情報局(プロパガンダ局)からお金をもらって「戦争とは何か」という本を書き、日本軍の蛮行を知らしめた。曹虚白というプロパガンダ局のチーフの自叙伝第一版、201ページにしっかりそう書かれている。この本、「戦争とは何か」だけではなく、同じく南京安全避難区のメンバーであるルイス・スマイスもお金をもらって「War Damages」というプロパガンダ本を出しているのである。この2冊の本は中国の出したプロパガンダ本である。


In Nov. 1937, during the Battle of Nanking, the Nationalist Party established The International Propaganda Section (IPS). According to the top-secret document entitled “Outline of International Propaganda Operations,” the IPS held 300 press conferences in Hankou between Dec 1, 1937 and Oct 24, 1938. About 35 foreign journalists and diplomats attended there. However, Chinese didn’t explain the fact which was so-called the Nanking Massacre even once during any of these 300 conferences was a statement or announcement.

南京大虐殺 歴史事実


Chinese Communist Party Chairman Mao Zedong never referred to a massacre in Nanking. He made exactly one mention of the Battle of Nanking during a lecture delivered at Yan’an six months after the conflict, reproduced in On Protracted War. Chairman Mao criticized the Japanese for failing to annihilate Chinese troops after having surrounded them. If there had been slaughter in Nanking of a magnitude so great (300,000 civilian victims) as to prompt the description “holocaust of the century,” there is not the slightest chance that he would have been silent on the matter.
中国共産党率いる毛沢東は南京大虐殺について、一切何も語ってはいない。彼はこの事件が起きたとされる6ヶ月後、Protracted Warという書物の中でこう語っている。日本軍は中国軍を追い詰めてからのツメがあまいと。もし30万人という中国人が殺された南京大虐殺がほんとうに起きたのなら、これは黙っていたはずがないだろう。


Japanese Army had to capture Nanking in December 1937. The prosecutions presented for this Nanking Massacre have been various, and especially, the number of victims is controversial. According to the Documents of the Nanking Safety Zone, the committee members in China reported to the world about the number of victims in Nanking battle was 49 people in 1938. Mr. Smythe reported 15,760 victims in 1938. Iris Chang said 300,000 in 1997 in her book The Rape of Nanking. Why China can’t show the accurate number of victims of it?

There is a victim’s name list of atomic bombs attacks in Hiroshima. We can see the number 253,008 as of 6th August 2004, which is very accurate. However, only about 3000 victim’s names of the Nanking Massacre have been listed in Nanking. Was the massacre a true story?

Around December 10, which date was Japanese surrounded the Nanking city, the city was completely fallen into a state of anarchy by Chinese soldiers. The Chinese soldiers in holy terror came to be out of control and began looting. James Espy, the vice American Council at Nanking, reported to the American Embassy at Hankow concerning the aspect of the city right before the fall of Nanking as follows : Monition should be made here, however, that the Chinese themselves are not altogether exonerated of depredations, at least to some extent, before the entry of the Japanese. During the last few days some violations of people and property were undoubtedly committed by them. Chinese soldiers in their mad rush to discard their military uniforms and put on civilian clothes, in a number of incidents, killed civilians to obtain their clothing.


EX-CHINESE OFFICERS AMONG U.S. REFUGEES Colonel and His Aides Admit Blaming the Japanese for Crimes in Nanking New York Times January 4, 1938 Wireless to the New York Times. SHANGHAI, Jan. 3.
American professors remaining at Ginling College in Nanking as foreign members of the Refugee Welfare Committee were seriously embarrassed to discover that they had been harboring a deserted Chinese Army colonel and six of his subordinate officers. The professors had, in fact, made the colonel second in authority at the refugee camp. The officers, who had doffed their uniforms during the Chinese retreat from Nanking, were discovered living in one of the college buildings: They confessed their identity after Japanese Army searchers found they had hidden six rifles, five revolvers, a dismounted machine gun and ammunition in the building. The ex-Chinese officers in the presence of Americans and other foreigners confessed looting in Nanking and also that one night they dragged girls into the darkness and the next day blamed Japanese soldiers for the attacks. The ex-officers were arrested and will be punished under martial law and probably executed.
アメリカ管轄の難民区に元中国軍大佐 彼は南京で自らの行為を日本軍の悪行と宣伝する。NYT 1月4日 1938年ニューヨークタイムズ 上海発電文(1月3日)によると、中国に残っているアメリカ人教授らが、南京市Ginling大学にある『外国人による難民保護区』で、逃走中の中国人大佐とその6人の部下を見つけるという事件が起きた。実際この大佐はかなりの権力者でもあり、これら幹部軍人らは南京戦から逃走中に、制服を脱ぎ捨てているなど、そのような状態で大学の建物内で発見された。彼らは日本軍が探していた人物と一致し、しかも6丁のライフルとリボルバー式の拳銃、及び分解された(もしくは台座から取り外された)マシンガンと弾薬をも建物内に隠し持っていた。彼らは南京市内で、強奪をしかつ少女達を暗闇に連れ込むなどし、それを翌日に日本軍がやったと吹きまくったことを白状した。彼らは逮捕され、後に法に基づき罰を受け、多分処刑されるだろう。

How can Japanese admit the wrong history such as the Nanking Massacre? No evidence of the Nanking Massacre. The Nanking population was increased after Japan controlled the city. Many witnesses confessed they had not watched any crime scenes about Nanking Massacre. Chinese government reported the documents written on the number of dead bodies were 20,000, which number was the same number of Chinese soldiers. Also China fabricated 143 pictures of the Nanking Massacre. Moreover, China paid some foreigners to write false stories in newspaper articles and a book. Chinese victims couldn’t receive any medical treatment for they had no money. Chinese injured wanted to get treatments in hospital and Chiang Kai-shek wanted to have many victims who were hurt by the Japanese because Chiang wanted to appeal the Japanese false brutally acts to the world. Chiang wanted the Chinese people to say they were injured by the Japanese. That's why; the Chinese claimed “we were injured by Japanese. How can people believe the massacre was caused by Japanese?

南京大虐殺 荒唐無稽な中国の言い分


Some of the photos and videos, which obviously show restoration of order in the Safety Zone immediately after the seizure of Nanking, and also the documentary films which show the Chinese citizens rushing to get ID cards. These photos and films are made by the trustworthy sources, and coincided with the witness of over 100 Japanese correspondents dispatched to Nanking then. On the contrary, some of the pictures, which were claimed to have been taken at the time of the massacre, have never indicated the date, the places, and the names of photographers. Also, some of them are showing the entirely different things, and others are forged ones. Even the Chinese cannot have proved the Nanking Massacre.

The so called Nanking Massacre was happened in 1937 China has claimed. In fact, so many cruel tortures, punishments and executions were conducted in everywhere in China by Chinese government in 1900’s. Moreover, In Chinese history, Chinese soldiers destroyed civilian’s homes and a town in order to wipe out any possible supplies or shelter that could be utilized by the over-extended enemy troops. This strategy is called "The Clean Field Strategy" by China. American Rulph Townsend stayed in China in 1930. He said, “One of these was tying a victim immovable and unclothed over a freshly sprouting bed of thorny cactus which is said to grow very rapidly in south China, and with great force, so that sharp spines with which in breaks through the sod pierce upward as it grows and gradually penetrate the helpless man’s body in the course of a day or two”. Not only that, there were many styles of cruel tortures in China. Violation of human rights is Chinese forte. Chinese soldiers killed 30,000 their own people in cold blood in Changsha in 1938 under the Clean Field Strategy even though Japanese didn’t reach the city. During the Shino-Japanese war, Chinese military killed Chinese people as if they were a worm. Chinese government was a genius to conceive cruel tortures and killing ways, and at propaganda. They said that the Japanese must have done with these cruel tortures and massacres. When people think about the awarding of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize to the Chinese writer and human rights activist Liu Xiaobo, Chinese government has not changed their opinion compared with the Nanking Massacre happened. They showed Liu’s wife was gone out for shopping in front of camera. However, the scene was staged. Chinese government has been killing 1,200,000 Tibetans since 1950. However, they have loudly announced we have been ruling over Tibet peacefully. Who can believe what China said?
1937年に中国で南京大虐殺が起きたとされている。1900年代でも中国各地で残酷な拷問や、刑罰、処刑が行われていた。また中国史にも残る清野作戦は、迫り来る敵に補給物資を与えないようにするため、人民の家や街ごと焼き払うような作戦も採られていた。アメリカ人、ラルフタウンゼントは1930年に中国にいた人物だ。彼はこう言っている。『中国で行われている処刑法の一つに、人間を裸にし動けないように縛り上げ、非常に鋭利なとげを持つサボテンの近くにつるし上げる。中国南部に生育しているそのサボテンは生長がものすごく早く、1日か2日でその男の体に食い込んでいくのである。』それだけではない。中国には様ざまな残酷な拷問法がある。人権蹂躙とも言えるこれらは中国ではお家芸だ。清野作戦においても1938年にはChangshaという市で、3万人の中国人が中国人の手によって殺された。日本軍が近づいてもいない市で起こったことだ。支那戦争中、中国人兵士はまるで虫を殺すかのように、中国人民を殺してきた。中国政府のこの残酷な処刑の発想や殺し方、そして宣伝のやり方は天才的である。中国人はこれらの残忍な処刑や虐殺は日本軍がやったものだと宣伝している。2010年の平和ノーベル賞を受賞したLiu Xiaoboの人権問題を考えるとき、中国政府のこの考え方は南京大虐殺が起きたとされる頃から何も変わっていないと言える。彼らはLiuの妻をわざと外出させ、カメラの前で買い物をさせて見せた。しかしこれはやらせであった。1950年から中国政府は120万人ものチベット人を虐殺してきている。しかし中国は、チベットは平和的に統治されている大声で宣伝している。誰が彼らの言うことなど信用できようか?

In fact, it estimated that a far larger number of 65,000,000 people had been victimized in China, is still existing under the dictatorial political system, and still persecuting minorities and committing human right violations ceaselessly. Especially in Tibet, more than 1,200,000 people, corresponding to roughly 20% of the total population, were massacred since being unfairly annexed to Communist China in 1955. Even now, the people in Tibet are still abused, and their cultures are being destroyed. The very Communist China declared that the problem of Tibet is a problem relating to domestic affairs and refused the interference of the foreign nations. On the other hand, the CCP is loudly denouncing the Nanking Massacre which had been insisted on its happening more than seventy years ago, but this is not even clearly defined.

Why don't the Chinese establish the Mao Massacre Museum? Mao killed at least 300,000 Chinese. The leadership of Mao Tse-Tung oversaw the often brutal implementation of a Communist vision of society. Millions died in the Great Leap Forward programmed of state control over agriculture and rapid industrialization and the Cultural Revolution.
何故中国人は毛沢東虐殺記念館を作らないんだい? 毛沢東は30万人という中国人を殺した人物である。中国共産党の指導者であった毛沢東は、しばしば共産党の冷酷な政治的実行を行ってきた。彼が実施した工業力発展と農業の管理を目指した文化大革命と大躍進政策によって、何10万という中国人が死んだのだ。

Chinese people are always barking lies like dogs. Tell the truth; what Chinese people said about the Nanking Massacre and the Senkaku problem does not have any conclusive evidence. In addtion, they believe that telling lies 100 times, this could have lead to becoming true story from the lies. The Chinese have appealed the Nanking Massacre was caused by Japanese even people don’t have any witnesses about that. Now, Chinese people are telling Okinawa is Chinese territory. We have to be careful because the Chinese conspiracy which means China will get Okinawa from Japan might work. They are telling lies enthusiastically even their story was ridiculous theory, so some people will be mind controlled by their lies. Now they are waiting another stupid historian agree with them. Unfortunately, there is a stupid person who wants to agree with them. Country China is a bribe society. Therefore, all over the world will be occupied by China someday.


After the U.S dropped two atomic bombs, they visited Japan for taking scientific research. Therefore, the result of the atomic bombs and the number of victims were purely accurate. However, about the Nanking Massacre, which Chinese government has been claiming since 1937, there were no witnesses; not only that some foreigners were paid by KMT, and they wrote faked news topics and books. The Nanking Massacre was a fake story.


The atomic bombs story is not related to the actions of the Japanese military in Asia. Dropping atomic bombs was cause by the Soviet Union. The Yalta Conference was the February 4 to 11,1945 wartime meeting of the heads of government of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union?President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and General Secretary Joseph Stalin, respectively for the purpose of discussing Europe's postwar reorganization. According to the American historian, Helen Mears, during the conference, the U.S got a secret of Russian intrigue which shows invading Japan even though Russia had already contracted the Soviet?Japanese Neutrality Pact with Japan. The U.S. was displeased with the idea because if Russia invaded Japan, communist Russia would control Japan, so the U.S dropped two atomic bombs to Japan to take an initiative for control it after war. Therefore, the atomic bombs story is not related to the actions, so called horrid massacre, of the Japanese soldiers in Asia.


The Joint Communique of the Government of Japan and the Government of the People's Republic of China was signed in Beijing on September 29, 1972. Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka said to the people of the People's Republic of China: "The Japanese side is keenly conscious of the responsibility for the serious damage that Japan caused in the past to the Chinese people through war, and deeply reproaches itself. Further, the Japanese side reaffirms its position that it intends to realize the normalization of relations between the two countries from the stand of fully understanding 'the three principles for the restoration of relations' put forward by the Government of the People's Republic of China. The Government of the People's Republic of China declares that in the interest of the friendship between the Chinese and the Japanese peoples, it renounces its demand for war reparation from Japan. The Chinese side expresses its welcome for this" (Joint Communique of the Government of Japan and the Government of the People's Republic of China). When China and Japan renewed diplomatic relations in 1972, China waived a request for war reparations.

南京大虐殺 南京安全避難区の外国人


A Japanese whose name was Tokuyasu Fukuda, he was Japanese embassy staff, visited to the committee, he was surprised at the situation because John Magee and George Ashmore Fitch was writing reports, which were reported by some Chinese young guys. The guys rushed into the committee office, and they told, “Japanese soldiers were raping women”, and “Japanese soldiers were seizing commodities from Chinese family”. John Magee and George Ashmore Fitch typed the stories without any inspection. Therefore, Mr. Fukuda protested to them many times. In fact, Mr. Fukuda went to check the Japanese crime scene which was reported a robbery by a Chinese guy, there was no people, no broken and no any noise. The Nanking Massacre was created by China for propaganda. The propaganda is still ongoing!

The Japanese killed many Chinese people? I don’t think so. John Rabe sent a letter of appreciation to the commander of Japanese army on Dec. 14 1937. This is the letter. 「Dear Sirs. We express our appreciation to your artillery’s praiseworthy act of having not attacked the safety zone and for becoming able to communicate with you (commander Matsui) about the future plan for supporting Chinese citizens in the same area. 」 (Stenography No.210).


Before the battle of Nanking, the commander General Iwane Matsui ordered the Japanese army to be very careful not to kill any civilians. During the battle, every civilian took refuge in the Nanking Safety Zone. Japanese army did not attack it, and there were no civilian victims, except for several who were accidentally killed or injured by stray shells. John Rabe, later handed a letter of thanks for this to the commander of the Japanese army. 「December 14, 1937 Dear commander of the Japanese army in Nanking, We appreciate that the artillerymen of your army did not attack the Safety Zone. We hope to contact you to make a plan to protect the general Chinese citizens who are staying in the Safety Zone….We will be pleased to cooperate with you in any way to protect the general citizens in this city. --Chairman of the Nanking International Committee, John H. D. Rabe--" 」If the Japanese military wanted to massacre every Nanking citizen, it would have been very easily done if they only bombarded the Nanking Safety Zone. The Japanese military did not attack it, but rather protected all the people of the Zone. In the mind of General Matsui, the purpose of the war was not to take the land, but to save Chinese civilians from the Chinese civil war, killing among the Chinese themselves. Japan wanted to establish in China a strong Chinese government not of communists, not of Western powers, but of the Chinese people who were willing to build in cooperation with Japan the great Asia not invaded by communists or exploited by Westerners.
  南京戦が始まる前、日本軍司令官である松井岩根は南京市民を殺さないように徹底していた。あの戦闘中、全南京市民は避難区に集結し、日本軍はそこを攻撃しなかったので、間違って死傷者を出す以外の被害者はいなかった。ジョンラーベは後に松井にこのような手紙を送っている。1937年12月14日 親愛なる日本軍司令官へ 避難区を攻撃しないでくれたことを深く感謝する。今後のこの避難区にいる中国人達をどのように守っていこうか、是非貴殿とお会いしお話をしたいと思っている。私たちはこの人々を守るために、あなたと協力できる事を本当に嬉しく思う。---南京安全避難区ジョンラーベ ----もし日本軍が南京市民を大量虐殺したくてたまらないのなら、この南京避難区に爆撃をすればすむことであった。しかし日本軍はこれを攻撃せず、市民を守ったのである。日本軍司令官松井はこう考えていた。戦争の目的はその土地を占領することではなく、中国人兵士自らによる殺戮行為から、中国人民達を守ることであったと。日本は中国に西洋列強や共産勢力に、食い物にされ支配されない独自の強い中国政府を、中国人民と共にこのアジアに作りたいと思っていたのである。

The Nanking city was controlled by Chinese government after the Japanese occupied the city. The Reformed Government of the Republic of China (Chinese: 中華民國維新政府) was a Chinese provisional government protected by Japan that existed from 1938 to 1940. Liang Hongzhi,Wen Tsung-yao,Chen Qun,Tcheng-loh,Chen Chin-tao,Wang Zihui,Jiang Hongjie,Chen Tzemin,Jen Yuantao,Xu Xiuzhi,Zhu Luhe,Gao Guanwu and Fu Hsiao-an controlled the Nanking city until 1940. The Japanese killed 300000 people? I don’t think so. We have tons of evidence China creating the rumor story of Nanking.
南京市が日本軍によって占領された後、中華民國維新政府は1938年から1940年まで梁鴻志,温宗尭,陳群,陳ロク,陳錦濤,王子恵,江洪杰,陳則民,任援道,許修直,朱履ワ,高冠吾 and 傅筱庵らによって統治された。日本軍が30万人もの中国人を殺したというがそうは思わない。南京大虐殺は中国によって作られた嘘話であり、その嘘だという証拠はゴマンとあるのだ。

There was the International Committee for Nanking Safety Zone. This committee consisted of 22 Westerners. This committee wrote reports regarding the security situation of Nanking city 61 times from Dec.13, 1937 to Feb.9, 1938 and sent the same reports to Japanese Embassy, Embassy of the United States, British Embassy and Germany Embassy. According to these 61 reports, they reported murder: 41, mayhem: 44, rape: 361, taking: 390, plunder and others: 170 for 2 months. However, all of these reports were “hearsay”. In other words, nobody of this committee witnessed them actually. The International Military Tribunal for the Far East (Tokyo Trial: 1946-1948) summoned 4 members of this committee included Magee, Ashmore Fitch, Bates and Wilson. They testified they did not witness any murder and heard from someone. This trial proved nobody witnessed murders actually and they wrote reports on the basis of”Hearsay”.


John Rabe was a member of international Safety Zone Committee in Nanking. Many Chinese people said he was a witness of the Nanking Massacre with confidence. However, he had never witnessed even one case of murder. In spite of that, he sent many reports to Hitler and wrote the stories to his diary. In fact, his diary and reports to Germany were written different number of victims. Why? For Fear of counter objections, he reported to the Japanese authorities in Nanking city the number of casualties to be 49 based on some extent of reliable information. But on the other hand, to journalists, German diplomats and A. Hitler who were all absent in Nanking, he reported figures with an enormous difference, as if no less than tens of thousands civilians had been killed by Japanese troops. Why did Rabe make a false report of the massacre to Hitler? According to German historian Gerhard Krebs, the reason was based on power politics in his German homeland. “Defeated and depressed in World War I, Germany knew that china was a significant trade partner. Particularly Chiang Kai-shek, who was fighting against the CCP, needed a large number of weapons, while Germany was able to import raw materials that were indispensable for the postwar reconstruction.” The Sino-Japanese War forced Germany to reconsider its foreign policy toward China.
The Japanese government repeatedly demanded that Germany stop the export of weapons to Japan's enemy Chiang Kai-shek. As the result, Hitler decided to take advantage of containment against the Soviet Union by promoting strong relationship with Japan. Germany refrained from exporting weapons to the Chiang Kai-shek. (In fact, it was in l940 when Germany reached an agreement with Japan.)There were someone strongly resisted the change of policy taken by Hitler. They were Von Falkenhausen, the head of the military advisory group in China, and Rabe, who represented an interest of Siemens in the Chinese munitions industry as a pro-Chinese group. Rabe exaggerated the Japanese Army’s atrocities and requested Hitler to reconsider the alliance with Japan. Rabe's anti-Japanese reports had been thought suspicious since then. Moreover, P. Scharfienberg, the secretary general of the German Embassy to China, who returned to Nanking city on January 9, tried to investigate the fact about 'Japanese Army's atrocities Rabe reported' by himself, and wrote to the German Embassy at Hankow on February 10: “He [Rabe] is still actively trying to counter the bloody excesses of Japanese looters, which have unfortunately increased of late.
(Part7)To my mind, this should not concern us Germans, particularly since one can clearly see that the Chinese, once left to depend solely on the Japanese, immediately fraternize. And as for all these excesses, one hears only one side of it, after all.” That report is called untrustworthy story after people defined the fact.
ジョンラーベと言えば、南京市に安全避難区を作ったメンバーだ。多くの中国人が彼こそが南京大虐殺の目撃者であると自信を持って反論してくる。しかしながら彼はたった一度さえも大虐殺というシーンを見てはいない。にもかかわらず、ジョンの祖国であるドイツのヒットラーに数多くのレポートを送り、日記にもそう残している。しかし事実、彼の日記の数字そしてドイツに送ったその数字には大きな隔たりがあるのである。何故だろうか? 反論されるのを恐れてか、ジョンは日本宛の手紙にはその被害者を49名と書き、その反面、ドイツのジャーナリストとヒトラーに宛てた手紙には数万人もが日本人に殺されたと書いてありその違いはあまりにも大きすぎる。何故このような間違った手紙をヒットラーに送ったのだろうか?ドイツ人歴史家Gerhard Krebsによると、その理由は彼の本国であるドイツの、政治的権力が裏にあったと説明している。第1次世界大戦による財政困難と疲労にあえいでいたドイツにとって、中国は最高の貿易パートナーであったのだ。蒋介石は中国共産党との戦闘で、大量の兵器をドイツから購入している。そんな状態から一変したこの支那事変は、ドイツ本国の政策転換を迫られていたのである。日本政府は繰り返しドイツに対して、中国に武器を輸出しないよう求めていた。蒋介石軍が日本の戦争相手だったからだ。悩んだ末にヒトラー政権は、中国における巨大な軍需産業の利益よりも、安全保障上ソ連を牽制する必要から日本との関係強化を選び、中国の蒋介石政権への武器輸出を控えた。(事実、1940年にはドイツと日本は同盟を結んだ。)それにひとり強力に反対する人物がジョンラーベだった。駐華軍事顧問団団長ファルケンハウゼンや、親中派の軍需産業ジーメンスの利益代表であるラーベらは激しく本国の動きに反発した。したがってラーベは大げさに日本軍の蛮行を宣伝し、ヒットラーに本国ドイツと日本との関係を考え直して欲しいあまりに、そのような反日的なレポートを書いていたと、ドイツ人歴史家Gerhard Krebsは言う。また、在中国ドイツ大使館の秘書官で、ジョンラーベのレポート内容を南京市まで確認して戻ったP. Scharfienbergは、1938年1月9日にこう述べている。「2月10日漢江ドイツ大使館より。ラーベは確かに日本軍の血なまぐさい窃盗事件などに割り込み帆走しているようだ。俺に言わせてみれば、そんなことは我が国ドイツに関係のないことだ。だが第一、暴行事件といっても、すべて中国人から一方的に話を開いているだけではないか。」この事実の前では、彼の日記などはもはやなんの証拠にもならない。


It was clearly proved by their testimonies at the IMTFE that no committee members had witnessed 'illegal murders by Japanese soldiers at all. O. Wilson, who made many testimonies as to atrocities, did admit that all of his testimonies were hearsay. Magee, who lived with Bates and worked for the Safety Zone Committee, testified that he had just eye-witnessed only one case. As a matter of fact, neither Rabe nor other westerners of the Safety Zone Committee members, who might have been able to walk around freely in the city with Nazi Swastika armband on, had ever witnessed illegal murders by Japanese soldiers during six weeks.

According to Rabe's diary, at that time those Chinese in the Safety Zone, were limited to persons who could communicate with Rabe in the Safety Zone. Only those who could speak in either English or German were the Chinese staff that helped work in the Safety Zone Committee and Chinese officers, Colonel Lung and Chow. Rabe was recording about Chinese officers in his diary as follows: "Shortly before eight o'clock Colonels Lung and Chow arrive (Ling has marched off by now) and ask if they can take shelter in my house. I agree. Before Han and I left for home, these two gentlemen deposited 30,000 dollars in the committee's safe." (The Good Man of Nanking, p.64.)Is this a illegal act or not?
ジョンラーベの日記によると、あの南京市に設立された安全避難区に中国人がいたそうだ。ジョンにしてみれば英語もしくはドイツ語がしゃべれる中国人であり、事もあろうに南京避難区内で策略を図る中国軍人であった。彼らの名前はラン大佐とチョウ大佐というそうだ。ジョンの日記にはこう書かれている。8時を過ぎた頃、ランとチョウ大佐はやってきて、私たちの家のシェルターを使わせてくれといた。私が同意した。私とハンが家を出る前、この二人は3万ドル(日本円にして約300万)を避難区に預けていった。(The Good Man of Nanking, 64ページ)さてこれは違法行為なのでは?

南京大虐殺 海外の反応

In the U.K., the Nanking battle became public criticism, too. Referring it, Sir Charles Addis mentioned on Nov 10, 1938, as follows: Between two countries at war there was always a danger that one or other of the combatants would seek to turn public opinion in his favors by resort to a propaganda in which incidents, inseparable alas - from all hostilities, were magnified and distorted for the express purpose of inflaming prejudice and passion and obscuring the real issues of the conflict.


We live in freedom countries. Even in the U.S, some historians say dropping two of atomic bombs were not right. Dispatching U.S military to Afghanistan is stupid. Many people can publish their feelings or thoughts in public. This is very natural. This is normal. How about China? Has many protesters of the Tiananmen Massacre in 1989 released from jails? NO! Beijing is still holding prisoners for taking part in the Tiananmen Square democracy protests 20 years ago. A Chinese brave historian teacher criticized that 95 % of Chinese history text book contents is wrong. He was caught by communist police. This is ridiculous! This case shows China is unusual shapes of nation. In short, Chinese people are also victims because people can’t get any right information of the world, and they are restricted in freedom of speech by Chinese government. In freedom country, saying the Nanking Massacre was caused by the Japanese is welcome.

南京大虐殺 人口


Chinese government has claimed Japanese soldiers killed 300,000 Chinese civilians while the Japanese were staying in Nanking city in China. After the Japanese occupation, did the population of Nanking decrease by more than 300,000? Let’s look at many historical records. On Dec 8,1937,Tang Sheng-zhi, who was Chinese commander, warned that all the noncombatants should assemble in the Safety Zone, and the citizens rushed into the Safety Zone for the safety. As the result, there were no people within the castle except in the Safety Zone. John Rabe, the Safety Zone Committee (TSZC) member, wrote in his diary in Dec 10, when the Nanking battle began, the Nanking population was 200,000. TSZC described in the Document No.9 dated in Dec 17, "On the 13th when the Japanese entered the city, we had nearly all the civilian population in the Safety Zone, so the number 200,000 is no doubt. For TSZC, it was absolutely necessary to know the accurate number of people in order to distribute food to those refugees. After the Japanese victory and occupation took place, TSZC in its document dated on December 17, and in subsequent documents, consistently recognized this number. Afterwards how did the population of Nanking change? TSZC documents read that in January 1938 the population was 250,000. Lewis S. C. Smythe, professor of Nanking University investigated the population with the help of many Chinese staffs on February 1938. He wrote a report which shows the population of Nanking was 250,000 or 270,000 as of the end of March 1938. The Nanking City Administrative Office of the Nanking Restoration Government, which was established on March 28, 1938, registered 277,000 inhabitants. Japanese soldiers killed 300,000 Chinese people in Nanking city?
中国政府は日本軍が南京市で30万人殺されたと騒いでいる。日本軍の占領後南京の人口は30万人も減少したのであろうか?歴史資料を見てみよう。1937年の12月8日、中国側の司令官Tang Sheng-zhiは南京市の非戦闘員全員を安全避難区へ誘導している。その結果、南京城内には安全避難区以外には人っ子一人いない状態だった。安全避難区委員会のジョンラーベは、南京戦に突入する前である12月10日の日記に、南京の人口は20万人であると書いている。安全避難区委員会は12月17日のドキュメントナンバー9に、こう記している。日本軍が南京市に入城するときには、ほぼ全員の民間人らは安全区に避難していた、と書いているからこの人口数は正しいと判断できる。安全避難区から見れば、避難区に集まった人々に与える食料配分をまかなうため、正確な人数を知る必要があった。そして日本軍が勝利し南京を占領した12月17日の時点でも、この安全避難区委員会はこの人数を再度確認している。ではその後どう人口は変わっていったのか?安全避難区委員会の出した1938年1月の資料には、人口25万と記載されている。南京大学の教授でもあったスマイスは数人の中国人と共に、1938年2月人口を調べている。それには25万から27万となっている。1938年3月28日に設立された、南京暫定政府機関の調べでは、南京市の人口は27万7千人と増えている。日本軍が30万人殺したっていうのは本当なのか?

Here is the burial record presented to the IMTFE (International Military Tribunal for the Far East) by the Chinese Red Swastika Society. The statistics show where the corpses were found and buried. Only about 2,800 corpses are found inside Nanking castle (walled city of Nanking), and the rest are recovered outside, which were almost 40,000. There are few corpses of women and children. Actually, we can see only about 3000 victim’s names of the Massacre lists in Nanking Museum. Where were 300,000 of dead bodies? Who were killed? Was the massacre a true story?


One picture shows Japanese troops created the nameless war dead of Chinese soldiers’resting place in China during the war. In contrast, according to Chinese reports, Chinese authorities did not any attention to dead or wounded soldiers. Before the Japanese Army entered Nanking, there had been many corpses in the city. German correspondent Lily Abegg wrote an account entitled Escape from Nanking.「Our Last Days in China's Capital, as to the aspect on Nov 29, 1937: ”Wherever we went, we could see that order was given way to chaos. A train carrying 2,000 wounded soldiers arrived at Nanking Station, but no one paid it any heed. There were no medical soldiers. The wounded soldiers were left there for two days, and during the time, dragged out of the train with corpses. The corpses emitted a horrible stench, polluting the air.”The burial record of the Chinese Red Swastika Society, worked for corpses were found and buried, in 1938 says only about 2,800 corpses are found inside Nanking castle (walled city of Nanking), and the rest are recovered outside which were almost 40,000. China has appealed these dead bodies stories must have been killed by the Japanese. Who can believe the Chinese lie?



People should be careful to watch Chinese propaganda which has been shown Japanese atrocity. I’d like to show a film which is called The Battle of China. This wartime propaganda film is directed by Frank Capra, American famous director of 1930's, and comes out in l944. In the film, there are ten-second scenes of the description of Nanking Massacre. However, these can hardly be the true description, because of the following reasons.
1 An officer is taking a woman by force. His epaulet is different from that of the Japanese officer. The medal he wears on the breast is not of the Japanese Army in terms of design.
2 A man wears a revolver belt. But, the then Japanese soldiers don't wear it, since they didn't use a revolver. Also, he doesn't wear a saber but a parade sword. But, in war, a parade sword has never been used.
3 Chinese inhabitants in the film are in shirts with half sleeves in the cold wintertime.
A piece of paper which says 'Three People's Principles' is on the chest of a woman who is being buried alive, but Japanese do not have such a way of thinking. On the other hand, this custom was still observed in the 1930s in China. The whole things are forged pictures!
1 婦人を力ずくで連行しょうとしている軍人の肩章は日本軍の将校のそれとは全く異なるし、胸に勲章らしきものをつけているが、そんなデザインの勲章は日本にはない。
2 その人物は腰に弾帯を巻いているが、当時の日本軍が使用していた拳銃は回転式ではないので、弾帯は必要ないし、帯刀している刀は軍刀ではなく、刃のついていない指揮刀である。戦場に指揮刀を持って行くことはありえない。
3 厳寒の南京に半袖の市民の姿が見える。生き埋めにされようとしている婦人の胸の上に「三民主義」と書かれた紙片が載せられているが、こんな発想は日本人にはない。その反面1930年代の中国にはこれらの風習はたくさんあった。まさに全体が"やらせ映像"である!


One of the photos shows nine people's heads stand in a line side by side on ground. This photo is used as purported evidence of Nanking Massacre victims, but there was no such custom of gibbeted heads among the Japanese after the 1870s. Among the Chinese, however, this custom was still observed in the 1930s, and several photos of gibbeted heads appeared in cities of China in those days. There was also a case of gibbeted heads in the French Concession in Shanghai on February 12, 1938. Most historians allege that these were the heads of bandits or political criminals killed in the Chinese civil war. Iris Chang's The Rape of Nanking has the same photo with a background behind the heads on page 113. Looking at the larger photo, those who had experienced Nanking testified that the background is not of Nanking.

One of the Photos displayed at the 'Memorial Hall of Victims in Nanjing Massacre'. It is also displayed in the book The Rape of Nanking. The book states "The Japanese rounded up thousands of women. Most of them were gang raped or forced into military prostitution. (Politburo of Military Committee, Taipei)" However, this photo has nothing to do with the gang-rape nor the military prostitution. This photo has appeared in the Asahi Graph, a weekly photo journal, published in Japan on November 10, 1937, about one month before Nanking battle. A set of four pictures have appeared in the journal with the explanation, titled as "Utopia amidst the Gun-power: The 'Rising Sun' Village South of the Yangtze." The very picture is captioned with "A group of women and children from the Rising Sun Village returning from the fields, guarded by our soldiers." In those days in china, the lootings are often committed by the deserted Chinese soldiers. Therefore, the farmers have needed the protection of Japanese troops to engage in farming safely. Also, this very photo has been taken by Correspondent KUMASAKI in the province of Paoshan in the vicinity of Shanghai, on October 14, 1937. In short, a scene of peaceful farming village has been secretly switched to the one that is taking villagers to somewhere prior to rape en masse. It is indeed a wicked act of secretly switching the picture. Why China needed to do such an act??? The Nanking Massacre was created story by China.
一枚の写真が南京大虐殺記念館にある。この写真は「レイプオブ南京」という本にも載せられているものだ。この写真の説明書きはこうだ。『日本軍が数千人もの女性を捕らえ、彼らの多くは慰安婦にされた。』(軍事委員会政治部、台北)とある。しかしこの写真は慰安婦だとか強制的にどうのこうのといったこととは全く無関係なのだ。実はこの写真は南京事件の約一カ月前に発行された日本の写真週刊誌『アサヒグラフ』(昭和十二年十一月十日号)に掲載されたものだからである。 本来は四枚組の写真で、問題の写真はその一枚であり、そこには「硝煙下の桃源郷、江南の『日の丸部落』」というタイトルが付けられ、この写真そのものには「我が兵士に護られて野良仕事より部落へかへる日の丸部落の女子供の群(十月十四日、熊崎特派員撮影)」という説明文が付けられている。敗残中国兵による掠奪が常態であった中、この部落は日本軍によって保護され、安全に農作業が行われているという写真だったのである。また、撮影場所は上海近郊の宝山県盛家橋部落と明記されている。 つまり、平和が回復された農村風景が集団強姦のための連行シーンヘと「すり替え」が行われたわけで、非常に悪質なニセ写真と言えよう。なぜ中国はこのようなことをしなければいけないのか?南京大虐殺は中国によって作られた話である。

Photographs purported to be evidence of a massacre in Nanking are on display at the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall, at other exhibitions, and in printed publications. However, recent scientific research has revealed that there are no photographs attesting to a massacre in Nanking. At least 143 pictures are distorted, are fabricated, or are used for the Nanking Massacre pictures which were from different areas and different times by Chinese government.

南京大虐殺 ナチスドイツとの違い


The 'Nanking Massacre' in which the Prosecution claims the 'massacre of 300,000', has never been so proved. However, any other unjustifiable killings by Japanese troops are regarded as punishable war crimes during the battles against the Chinese Army, and these should be processed under the international humanitarian law. On the other hand, in case of Germany, they were not fighting the war against the Jewish people. The large-scale slaughters targeting all the Jewish people, including the killings of Jewish people who had German citizenship, committed by the Nazi Germany were systematically planned killings based on the specific ethnic ideology which had no direct connection with the war. Those killings were, indeed, the 'crimes against humanity', and those crimes are fundamentally different from the 'war crimes' which the Japanese troops were said to have committed. Not only so, Japanese must say that there existed the crucial fact that the then Japanese government sternly refused the persecution policy against the Jewish people which the Nazi Germany was implementing, even though Japan had amicable relations with Germany by means of concluding the Anti-Comintern Pact during that time when the battle of Nanking occurred. In December 1938, almost one year after the battle of Nanking, the Japanese Government decided the policy that 'based on the spirit of racial equality which we have insisted on for many years, we will treat the Jewish people with fairness, in the same manner as we treat other foreigners and we will not take special measures to reject them.

南京大虐殺 清野作戦


In Chinese history, Chinese soldiers destroyed the homes and fields of their own civilians in order to wipe out any possible supplies or shelter that could be utilized by the over-extended enemy troops. This strategy is called "The Clean Field Strategy" by China. In fact, Chinese soldiers killed 30,000 their own people in cold blood in Changsha in 1938 under this strategy in spite of the fact that the Japanese didn’t attack the city. Also Yellow River Flood is one of the examples. Chinese people's enemy was the Chinese military in wartime. Chinese historian Kou Bunyu says the number of victims who were killed by Chinese government is bigger than Japanese did. Chinese people living in communist country have no chance to get right history. Even now, it is the same situation as before.


Traditionally in Japan, Samurai warriors were living inside walls of castle, and farmers and merchants were living outside the walls. Civilian cities were not walled. Only warriors fight each other in wall, and they never killed civilians. While, in China, farmers and merchants are living inside a wall, and they were often killed as the same as soldiers by enemies cruelly. In Chinese history books, we often can read such massacres stories. Therefore, there are such horrid words三光政策(Three Alls Policy:S?ngu?ng Zhengce) was a Chinese scorched earth policy adopted in China, the three "alls" being "kill all, burn all, loot all" in Chinese language. It was a Chinese culture. The Japanese never had such a culture. Nanking was a walled capital city, and the idea of massacring all inhabitants was Chinese, not Japanese.


The 228 Massacre was an anti-government uprising in Taiwan that began on February 27, 1947 and was violently suppressed by the Kuomintang (KMT) government. Before the 228 massacre was broke out, the mood of the crowd, which had already been harboring many feelings of frustration from KMT rule, reached breaking point. The KMT troops who came from mainland China were highly undisciplined, looting, stealing, and contributing to the overall breakdown of infrastructure and public services. Estimates of the number of deaths vary from ten thousand to thirty thousand or more. According to the New York Times on March 29, 1947, an American said, “Troops from China arrived at Taiwan on March 7 and indulged in three days of indiscriminate killing and looting. For a time everyone seen on the streets was shot at, homes were broken into and occupants killed. In the poorer sections the streets were said to have been littered with dead. There were instances of beheadings and mutilation of bodies, and women were raped.” This is the Chinese inherent characteristics. The Nanking Massacre might have been have caused by KMT soldiers. In fact, R.J Rummel claims that Chinese peasants often had no less to fear from their own soldiers than they did from the Japanese. Moreover, KMT soldiers in the Nanking castle in their mad rush to discard their military uniforms and put on civilian clothes. In a number of incidents, killed civilians to obtain their clothing in Nanking city in 1937 before the Japanese troops entered to the Nanking castle. James Espy, the vice American Council at Nanking, reported to the American Embassy. Go back to the 228 massacre story, Chen Yi, the ROC authorities, had jailed or killed all the leading Taiwanese organizers he could identify and catch. His troops executed between 3,000 and 4,000 people. Chen Yi was later quoted by TIME magazine in April 7, 1947 as saying: "It took the Japs 51 years to dominate this island. I expect to take about five years to re-educate the people so they will be happier with Chinese administration." This fact shows they were mind controlled by the Chinese government? The Nanking Massacre was a fake story. In fact, Chinese school kids have learned anti-Japanese education.
228事件は1947年2月27日に台湾で起きた、中国国民党の非道な人民弾圧虐殺事件である。国民党政府の暴力的行為により、人民が強制排除されたこの事件が起きる前、人民には国民党政府に大きな不満を抱いていた。中国から来たこの中華民国の軍人らはモラルが低く強奪や窃盗などを働き、それらの不満が国民一般に火がついたと言ってもいいだろう。この事件の死者は1万人とも、3万人とも言われている。ニューヨークタイムズ紙1947年3月29日に掲載された記事にアメリカ人のコメントがある。彼曰く、「3月7日に中国本土から派遣された軍が台湾に着いた。彼らは欲望の赴くまま、たった3日間のうちに無差別殺人をし、強奪をし、通りでは大勢の人が射殺され、各家庭にも押し入り住民は殺されていた。貧しい地区の通りでは、死体で埋め尽くされていたほどだ。それらの体は首や手などを切られ、女性はレイプされていた。」これが中国人の性格である。南京大虐殺はこういった性格を持つ彼らの仕業である可能性もある。事実、ルンメイ氏はこう述べている。「中国の農民は日本軍より自分たちの軍人の方を恐れていた。」と。またアメリカ大使館のジェームズヱスビー氏はこう書き残している。「南京城内にいた中国国民党軍は1937年、日本軍が入城する前には大パニックに陥っていた。彼らはまるで泡食ったように、彼らの制服を脱ぎ捨て人民から衣服を奪うために、人殺しまでもが行われたのだ。」話を228事件に戻そう。Chen Yiは台湾で強奪やレイプを働いた軍の指揮官だった。彼は台湾関係機関により発見され、投獄されるか、死刑に処せられるかという立場だった。彼の部隊は3000人から4000人もの人間を殺した。彼は1947年4月7日発行のタイムマガジンにこう話していたことが掲載されている。「51年もの間、ジャップにこの国は犯され続けてきた。私は5年でこの台湾人を再教育する必要があると思った。中国行政によって彼らが幸せな生活を取り戻すためなのだ。」この事実は中国政府による洗脳の結果でもあるとは思わないか?南京大虐殺は洗脳のために作られた嘘の話でもあるのだ。事実、中国の子供達は反日教育を今日も受け続けている。


Chinese government created many Japanese testimonies after the WW2 finished intentionally. After WW2, many Japanese soldiers who were dispatched China returned to Japan temporarily. However, they were caught by Chinese government as criminals. Many Japanese were in Chinese jails after finished the WW2, and they were tortured by them. The Japanese were forced to write what they did in China. In short, they had to write false diary stories which were directed by the Chinese. Definitely, the Chinese government needed Japanese evidence about committing many massacres in China. After the Japanese wrote in the diary which shows Japanese raped many Chinese women and killed many civilians, they could be free and go back to Japan. From the perspective of psychology, if people are forced to write false stories for long time, the false stories could be true memories. The Chukiren is a group which composed Japanese soldiers that came back from China has told these stories. A confession obtained by asking leading questions or torture is not recognized by the courts. These days, the Chinese government has still used these false stories for diplomatic cards between Japan and China. However, the Japanese were smart because they wrote another troop name which never has stayed in China. 中国政府は第2次世界大戦後、わざと日本人に嘘の供述をさせている。戦争後多くの日本人が中国から一時戻ってきた。しかし彼らは戦争犯罪人として再び中国に戻ることになったのだ。彼らは中国の牢屋に入れられ、虐待を受け続けた。そして中国で何をしたのかを強制的に書かされたという。その内容はまさに中国自身が望む内容でなければならなかったそうだ。間違いなく、中国政府は中国で日本人こそが虐殺に関与したという証拠を欲しがっていた。日本人が多くの中国人女性をレイプし虐殺してきたと日記に書けば、彼ら日本人は晴れて祖国に帰国できたという。心理学上言われていることは、こういった嘘の話でも長年書き続けていれば、それは真実の記憶となってしまうケースがあるという。中帰連(中国帰国者連合会)という団体は中国に配属になった元軍人達の団体だ。この団体がこの真実を明かしてくれた。拷問によって書かされたこのような記述は一切証拠として役に立たないことは常識である。近年、中国政府はこのような記述を日本と中国との外交カードの一つとして使っている。しかしながら、日本人は要領がいいのか、戦争中の自分の所属先を、中国にはなかった部隊名などを書いていることが笑い話の一つだ。


There were more than 100 Japanese news correspondents besides the troops, who entered Nanking city during the six weeks when the Chinese claim that the 'massacre' occurred. YAMAMOTO Osamu, the then correspondent of the Osaka Asahi Shimbun (Shanghai Branch Office) says, "I never witnessed nor heard of such a thing.” Also, MAEDA Yuji who was a correspondent of the Domei News agency said, I was totally shocked with the news about these crimes occurred within the Nanking city. All other Domei's correspondents who used to diligently cover inside the city in those days have never encountered any incidents of brutality that occurred after restoring the public order. If any unlawful things like that had happened, some of us or any correspondent must have caught that.


When the Japanese troops entered Nanking on Dec 13, 1937, more than 100 press reporters and photographers entered together with them. The press corps was not only from Japan, but also from European and American press organizations, including Reuters and AP. However, none of the press corps reported the occurrence of a massacre of 300,000 people. Paramount News (American newsreels) made films reporting the Japanese occupation in Nanking, but did not report the occurrence of a massacre. The British newspaper North China Daily News, which was published in China in English on December 24, 1937, eleven days after the Japanese occupation of Nanking, carried a photo taken in Nanking by their photographer. The photo was entitled "Japanese distribute gifts in Nanking." In the photo are Japanese soldiers distributing gifts, and Chinese adults and children receiving the gifts and rejoicing. Is this the scene of a massacre?



Recently, a Chinese American named Iris Chang wrote a book entitled, The Rape of Nanking. It tells about the brutal massacre by the Japanese in Nanking. It became a bestseller in the USA and other countries, and spread the lie of the Nanking Massacre. Later, Chang’s book was much criticized by many other authors. It has been pointed out that what she wrote and the photos in her book were not related to the so-called Nanking Massacre. She shot herself by pistol and died in 2004. The London Economist magazine commented that she had committed suicide perhaps because her book was much criticized and she was deeply depressed about it.

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